If you own or maintain a fleet of vehicles, you understand what a huge investment multiple vehicles can be, especially when dealing with semis and other commercial trucks. At Whitey's Truck Center in Little Rock, AR, we’re here to help you protect that investment.
Hitting a pothole always hurts - you may not be sure exactly what happens when you hit a pothole, but you can tell it’s not good for your car, truck, or SUV. Here are issues caused by potholes, and what to watch out for if you hit a really rough one, from Whitey's Truck Center in Little Rock, AR.
At Whitey's Truck Center we know how important tire maintenance is. Like the shoes on our feet, the tires and wheels on our cars protect us from direct contact with the ground. And like those shoes, we wear day in and day out, tires and wheels can rub, wear unevenly, and eventually fail to do their jobs.
At Whitey's Truck Center in Little Rock, AR, our priority is keeping your Dodge, Chevy, or Ford truck reliably on the road. A major aspect of that is catching small issues before they become bigger ones.
Your vehicle's engine needs clean air to burn the fuel – and it needs a lot of clean air. In fact, a typical vehicle needs about 216,000 gallons of air for every tank of gas. All that air passes through a filter that catches the dust and dirt. Eventually, the filter gets completely full, and because the filter can only hold so much, dirt starts getting through. At Whitey's Truck Center in Little Rock, we ensure you get the best air quality in your vehicle and explain the process of where this dirty air is going to our area drivers.
I know you hate it when you can't avoid them and hit those potholes in the road? But did you know how much damage they cause your vehicle? There is a lot of money being spent on vehicle damage due to potholes. Here at Whitey's Truck Center, we are the leader in Little Rock, AR for the service and repair of automotive issues resulting from road damage. We know the kind of damage that can be done, so if you suspect something is wrong with your car or truck, it’s always a good idea to stop by so we can take a quick look.
The interval for the tire rotation could depend on a recommendation from either the tire manufacturer or the vehicle maker. The interval is typically around 5,000 miles but could range from 3,000 to 8,000 miles. So why do tires need to be rotated and how do you know when the right time is for your vehicle?
If you drive a car, truck, or SUV that runs on gasoline, there's a good chance you’ve run it low on fuel a few times (or more than a few times,) and maybe even run out of gas completely a time or two. At Whitey's Truck Center in Little Rock, AR, we like to provide information applicable to you. Running a vehicle low on fuel is something we’re all guilty of, and most of us don’t think twice about it. But, can it be bad for your car?
7200 S University Ave | Little Rock, AR
(501) 568-7812
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